Diabetes Rescue Dogs
Volume Seven of The Old Farmer's Almanac for Children featured this story about Luke and how his diabetes support dog Jedi saved his life :
Luke, age 7, and his dog, Jedi, are pals, buddies, and best friends. Luke is diabetic, and Jedi is his Diabetic Alert Dog. Jedi is trained to use his nose to detect when Luke’s health is at risk and then alert an adult.
Late one night, Luke was asleep in a bed near his mother. Jedi was also nearby. Without his knowing it, Luke’s blood sugar level dropped—a danger to someone with diabetes. Jedi smelled the change in Luke’s breath and sprang into action. He jumped on and off the bed to wake Luke’s mother. When this didn’t work, he laid his body on top of hers. This woke her up. Then Jedi bowed; that’s his way of saying that Luke’s blood sugar is “low.” Luke’s mother was then able to care for him.
You can download a colour pdf of this story and other great animal hero stories from The Old Farmer's Almanac for Kids website.
How to Get a Dog Guide
Lion's Foundation of Canada provides Dog Guides to Canadians with a wide variety of different challenges. If you know someone who is insulin-dependent and has difficulty knowing when their blood sugar level gets too low, they can apply for a Diabetic Alert Dog Guide on the Lions Foundation of Canada Dog Guide website.
Lions Foundation Dog Guides Logo |
If you would like to help someone like Luke get a Dog Guide, you can participate in a local walk for Dog Guides. All the money you raise goes towards the training and placement of Dog Guides with
Canadians with challenges. Communities host Walks in the Spring and Fall. Visit their Dog Guide Walk locations page to find the Walk closest to you.
Canadians with challenges. Communities host Walks in the Spring and Fall. Visit their Dog Guide Walk locations page to find the Walk closest to you.
No walk close to you? There are other ways you can help too! Check out the online Dog Guide gift shop for presents for yourself or your family. You can also organize a Dog Guide walk or fundraiser in your community, foster a puppy or just make a donation.
Have you a story about an animal hero? I'd love to hear it! Drop me a comment below.
Thanks for reading!
Sister Su
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About This Author
Sister Su is grateful to God for keeping her alive. She is a Trent/Queen's Concurrent Education graduate with over 20 years of teaching experience. She writes on several blogs, has a YouTube channel and is thrilled when people leave comments on her blog posts. See her link tree for more details:@Sister_Su | Linktree
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Wow, this sounds amazing. I’m a diabetic myself so I can only imagine how good it must be to have a dog alert you of hypos etc. thank you so much for sharing this with us lovely. Great read. Xo
ReplyDeleteElle - ellegracedeveson.com
Thanks for popping in Ellie. Yes, service dogs can be really helpful for people with diabetes. Perhaps God will make a way for you to get a service dog to help you too. Both my parents had type two diabetes and my father was on four doses of insulin a day at the end of his life. I recently discovered that I had a yeast infection in my gut that was casusing me to crave bread, milk and sweets. The yeast infection would turn the carbs into alcohol in my gut and it was causing me to develop borderline diabetes and giving me a fatty liver - like alcoholics get. I read a great book called "The Yeast Connection" that alerted me to this problem in my gut. After eating a ripe papaya and burping alcohol, I set out to change my diet drastically. As a result my internist said that my fatty liver had started to reverse and my blood sugars were so good that it appears that I will not ever get type two diabetes now. It was not easy to do - cutting out so many of my favorite foods, but definitely worth it!